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Example 5 - Bank & Accounts


This example is one that uses the Bank & Account demo from the Prevayler project at SourceForge.  The demo and the supporting Prevayler library are imported in Jar form to the EOB demo and extended to give remote capability.  Prevayler provides the persistence at in EOB's environment, The Swing GUI from that project is executed in remote form, and can be launched multiple times.

picture of example5

Running Example5

1) Get Phoenix from downloads (unless you have it already). See section titled 'Phoenix in binary form' on the downloads page. Unzip Phoenix

2) Download either eob-with-http.sar or eob-with-http-and-db.sar from the downloads page. Place the sar file in the 'apps' directory of the unzipped Phoenix.

3) CD to the run directory and execute run.bat or run.sh as appropriate. After a few seconds ctrl-c Phoenix.

4) Download eob-example5.eob and place it in the 'startupApps' directory created a couple of dirs deeper than the phoenix 'apps' dir.

* - Or make this .eob file from the source download by doing 'ant eob'

5) Execute run.bat or run.sh again. You should see....

Phoenix 4.0.1

6) From the downloads page, get and launch the GUI with java -jar example5-gui.jar (try launching it twice)

$Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2003/04/15 21:24:13 $