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Example 4 - Crazy Clock
This example is one of a central clock server, and clock faces in applets
that show he time on that server. The clock is running very fast, and
that is reflected in the applet. There i sa button on the front
page for the example that allows you to reset the time back to the current
time. You can launch as many clock applets as you like, they call
connect to the same server.
Running Example4
1) Get Phoenix from downloads (unless you have it already). See section
titled 'Phoenix in binary form' on the downloads page. Unzip
2) Download either eob-with-http.sar or eob-with-http-and-db.sar from the downloads page. Place the sar file in the 'apps' directory of the unzipped Phoenix.
3) CD to the run directory and execute run.bat or run.sh as appropriate. After a few seconds ctrl-c Phoenix.
4) Download* eob-example4.eob and place it in the 'startupApps' directory created a couple of dirs deeper than the phoenix 'apps' dir.
* - Or make this .eob file from the source download by doing 'ant eob'
5) Execute run.bat or run.sh again. You should see....
Phoenix 4.0.1
war =file:/C:/Other-CVS/eob/phoenix-bin/apps/eob-example4/example4files/clockdemo.war
6) Point your browser to http://localhost:8080/clock to see and
interact with the demo.
- The EOB Team
$Revision: 1.7 $ $Date: 2003/04/15 21:24:13 $